IV Therapy

IV Therapy

I recommend IV Therapy Treatments to add to your experience. We have the advantage of tailoring a nutritional “cocktail” that replenishes and restores your depleted nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and any other deficiencies.

IV Therapy uses energizing tailored nutrients in an IV bag to boost your system, making them a preventative, enhancing, and restorative addition to your healthcare routine and enhancing your procedure outcomes and enhancing your quality of life.

IV Drip Bag Options Available For You

Energize: Myers Cocktail (Mini also available as an IV Push)

This Myers cocktail IV can help patients suffering from colds, flu, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain. For athletes, it is used as a preventative treatment. For frequent travelers, it can serve as a preventative treatment to control and reduce seasonal allergies, and boost vitamin levels.

Ingredients: Magnesium sulfate, calcium gluconate, selenium, Vitamins B5, B6, B12, B complex, and Vitamin C

Replenish: Hydration

This hydrating IV will provide you with the hydration you need to make it through a marathon or even help you feel better after a late night out. It can be beneficial for patients that are dehydrated, constipated, or suffering muscle spasms.


If you are feeling run down by a cold or flu, this immune IV can help you feel better sooner. Those suffering from chronic infections such as viruses, colds, flu, fatigue, allergies and inflammatory disorders can benefit greatly from this IV therapy.

Ingredients: Magnesium, selenium, zinc, Vitamins B5, B12, B complex, L-glutamine and Vitamin C, followed by a glutathione push “master antioxidant”


This regenerative IV will help patients prep for their upcoming procedure and also aid in wound and tissue healing after your regenerative procedure.

Ingredients: Magnesium, selenium, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamins B5, B6, B complex, Vitamin C, taurine, proline, followed by a glutathione push “master antioxidant”.

Glow: Vitamin C Plus+

This amino acid and Vitamin C IV can treat a wide array of symptoms. Benefits include glowing skin, immunity boosting, seasonal allergy relief, treatment of Lyme disease,chronic fatigue, delayed wound healing and chronic skin disorders.

Ingredients: Magnesium, selenium, Vitamins B5, B12, B complex, L glutamine, Vitamin C, taurine, proline, followed by a glutathione push “master antioxidant”

Boost: Vitamin C - Cell Health

This IV contains 20 grams of Vitamin C, which can help repair tissues, improve cell function and provide immunity. Patients that may benefit include post-chemotherapy patients, cancer patients (pending type and current treatment), those with certain skin conditions, and those suffering from GI conditions.

Ingredients: Vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, Vitamins B12, B5, B6, B complex, zinc, selenium, L-glutamine, followed by a glutathione push “master antioxidant”


This IV can help support your weight loss and metabolism goals. It is also beneficial for cell repair due to a medical condition. This mitochondrial IV can help you maintain your overall energy levels and get you healthier at a cellular level. Those suffering from fibromyalgia, thyroid disorders, autoimmune disorders and GI issues (leaky gut) can also benefit from this IV therapy.

Ingredients: Vitamins B5, B6, B12, B complex, magnesium, Vitamin C, L-carnitine, procaine, taurine and NAG, followed by a glutathione push “master antioxidant”

IV Push Glutathione Push

Glutathione is an antioxidant that can help improve your health at a cellular level. Known as the “master antioxidant”, it is used for athletes, cancer patients, patients with Autism, patients with fatty liver or hepatitis, diabetics (can help improve insulin sensitivity), Parkinson’s disease, and anyone suffering from chronic infections or chronic skin issues.

Ingredients: Glutathione and sterile water.

LEANboost - Intramuscular injection

This blend of amino acids and B vitamins can help support your weight loss goals, along with diet and exercise. Most patients enjoy the added energy boost that this injection can provide.

Ingredients: Inositol, methionine, L-carnitine, Vitamins B12, B3, B5, B6, and choline.

AMINO boost - Intramuscular injection

This blend of amino acids can help your muscles in many ways, as well as your tissues in general. It can help post-workout recovery and athletes.

Ingredients: Arginine, L-glutamine, Taurine

IV Treatment Benefits:

  • Exercise & Energy Boost
  • Liver Detox
  • Migraine / Headache
  • Emotional & Mood Support
  • Healthy Brain
  • Healthy Body
  • Intestinal Malabsorption
  • Vitamin Deficiency
  • Food Poisoning / Acute GI Infection
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Mitochondrial Health
  • Healthy Gut
  • Immunity Boost / Chronic Infection
  • Wound Healing
  • Drug & Alcohol Withdrawals/Detox
  • Jet Lag
  • Cancer Adjunct
  • Acute Infection
  • Allergy Relief
  • Asthma
  • Lyme Disease
  • Epstein Barr Virus
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fatty Liver
  • Weight Loss
  • Athletic Performance Improvement
  • Chronic Pain
  • Dehydration
  • Chronic Skin Disorders / Uneven Pigmentation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammatory Disorders
  • Constipation
  • Muscle Spasms